Save the date May 13th - 17th online auction!

◃• Help support these little artists, entrepreneurs, and change-makers on their online jewelry auction benefiting Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence •▹

100% of the proceeds will go to Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence and these scholars have set their goal to try and raise $1,143!


"How can we, as first graders, create a product to be marketed and sold to families across our community that would allow for money to be raised for a local organization?”

The AVID scholars have researched, taken notes, planned, designed, created logos, written statements of inspiration, prepared thank you letters, and finalized their custom advertisements!

Like, share, and be ready to bid! Tell your neighbors, your family and know that shipping can happen so your phone, tablet or laptop will allow you to support from anywhere.

This is AVID! 💯❤️ #sunflowerengage #servicelearning #artasacareer #economics #onlineauction #firstgrade #boysandgirlsclubofamerica